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New Era Corp is a start-up corporation. Based on a all new patented customized C2C platform, we aim to explore international e-commerce market. Our team consists of e-commerce and multi-media talented guys. We are in testing stage, and we are looking for an experienced web programer to join our team as a core member. Our team members came from overseas and are open minded. We look for tem players to join us. With the all new business model, you will not only enhance technical skill, but also enrich your global and marketing vision! 我們是家剛成立的小企業,但是對電子商務有很大的企圖心,歡迎有不凡想法、有創業特質的夥伴加入!
Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) 遠昇科技 (www.adbglobal.com) 是一家提供數位電視系統與互動電視軟體解決方案的領導供應商。遠昇科技成立於1995年,自1997推出首台機上盒至今,已累積出貨超過1500萬台到全球各地,擁有完整而豐富的技術整合經驗與實力,包括與各種不同中介軟體(middleware)、鎖碼系統(conditional access)與硬體規範。 有別於國內一般代工生產數位機上盒大廠,ADB遠昇科技專注創新技術的研發與行銷,其所設計的產品,素來被傳播界公認為現今與未來新世代數位廣播領域中的翹楚,並屢獲全球最具公信力之Cable & Satellite/Mediacast「年度最佳產品」獎項的肯定。尤其在數位電視開放標準(MHP, ATSC, ACAP, OCAP, DOCSIS, AVC/VC-1, etc.)、Digital Video Recording、高畫質(High Definition, HD)、3D、IPTV等熱門領域,ADB充分掌握未來發展的關鍵技術與資源。最近更獲得IMS Research研究機構選為「 2009 電視發明獎」殊榮。 ADB全球總員工數約850人,其中以研發工程師約佔70%,總部設在瑞士,並在台灣、印度、以色列、義大利、烏克蘭、波蘭、西班牙、英國以及美國等地都設有營運據點。展望未來亞洲數位電視市場的蓬勃發展,ADB決定擴充其在台灣的研發與業務實力。我們客戶導向的品管、效能與創新,是重視市場差異化及加值服務電視業者的最好選擇。歡迎國內對數位電視發展有興趣的菁英人士加入我們的研發團隊,與ADB共同打造、分享互動數位電視創造的無限可能。 FIFTEEN MILLION NEW GENERATION DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES SHIPPED!!!! Come and join the Digital Television Revolution: ADB is Asia-Pacific’s Number One supplier of digital TV system and interactive digital TV software technology. Middleware, Conditional Access, T-Mail, E-Commerce, EPG, Games, hardware standard, and much more---- That is what we are developing in our R & D Centre. ADB not only possesses the key technique in the realm of MHP、 ATSC、 ACAP、 OCAP、 DOCSIS、 AVC/VC-1、Digital Video Recording、High Definition, HD、3D、IPTV,… etc. but was also crowned "TV INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR" at the 2009 TV Innovation Awards by IMS research in the US. Successful candidates will enjoy exciting jobs in the environment of this 21st century multinational technology company, excellent compensation package plus extensive international exposure, intensive training and stock options. We are looking for dedicated professionals to Join Our Asia Pacific Region.
本公司於1995年成立,推出全國第一套積木式概念之APOLLO系列遙控器自推出至今,承蒙各代理,經銷商及一般使用者與政府機構、同業的支持與愛護,使我們得以不斷的創新改良,精益求精,並於2000年推出高階機種HERCULES系列,其功能讓使用者更輕鬆掌握多段及無段變速,可完全掌握駕駛室的所有功能,2003年推出防爆系列機種(d2G4),2005年再度推出CUPID系列,簡易方便好操作型工業無線遙控系列,全系列皆通過出產嚴格測試,且通過歐盟CE美國FCC等多國認證。 3-Elite’ mission is to become a global leading design and wholesale manufacturing service Provider of industrial radio remote control solutions in different fields for worldwide system integrators or clone partners locally     3-Elite with the 15 Years of innovation expertise and experience, we will strive to serve worldwide system integration customers.   We not only produce radio remote control, but also sell other parts as long as you can see around the factory. For example, crane and its accessory.
優必達科技是一家由矽谷、台灣及大中華區團隊於2007年共同成立的公司,專注於將雲端運算(Cloud Computing)運用在影音多媒體以及娛樂領域的軟體公司,希望藉由其分散式雲端軟體平台,將豐富的網際網路或多媒體內容隨時隨地的供消費者使用與分 享,達到「全程全網,互連互通」的理想。公司對市場的長期投資策略、重視各地用戶需求的做法,與當地研發人員密切的合作關係,能讓我們提供全球市場領導性 的優良產品,藉著消費者行為的充分觀察,能讓我們在未來的數位家庭生活中,帶給消費者前所未有的體驗及感受。 優必達科技在台灣、中國、韓國設有 RD研發中心,並在東京、首爾、矽谷設有SM業務辦公室與技術展示中心。 Ubitus成熟創新的雲端多媒體技術核心於2009年獲選為NVIDIA五大最佳科技價值企業獎,並獲得日本NTT集團,韓國三星電子等大企業的訂單以及投資,成為支持三星多款智慧手機Pocket Media影音服務以及NTT DoCoMo上線的影像編輯轉檔等商業服務的核心技術提供商。 優必達工程師所撰寫的軟體目前在全世界不同國家給數以百萬計的使用者使用,工作環境具有挑戰性且充滿高度的熱忱,工程師們更能與其他優秀的技術同仁一起腦力激盪解決有趣的雲端技術問題,並在工作中了解全球的雲端運算走向。 我們鼓勵並歡迎你/妳加入我們! Ubitus Inc. a leading software platform provider for fixed-mobile convergence applications, founded by a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from Silicon Valley and Greater China region. We aim to offer ease of use and an exciting experience for people to instantly share and access any digital content stored in the different devices (they owned) with friends, colleagues, and communities regardless of where they are and what devices they use. We’ve gotten to where we are today by hiring the smartest and most passionate people we can find, and proved ourselves not only to well-known Venture Capitalists, but also buy-in from leading industry players in the mobility world. Our engineers come from diverse backgrounds, and there’s no such thing as a ”typical” ubitus engineer. Some are fresh out of colleges with lots of technical competition awards and honors, while others have joined after working at leading international software and IT companies, or at companies they started themselves. Our engineers enjoy making products that millions of people use, living in a fast-paced and high-energy environment, solving tough technological challenges, and working on a team of people who are just as talented as they are. If these things also appeal to you, we encourage you to apply.
Our uniqueness:我們的特色 私たちの特色 Professional management with emphasizing on safety quality control, and standard formula.(新型態之經營,專業的品質與照護,安全有效之產品與標準配方) (新しい形の経営 専門の品質看護するとでしたで,安全で有効のの製品標準処方するとです) Our Idea:我們的理念 私たちの思想 Continuously up grading our quality by not simply adopting price reduction. 「專業的價值在於品質不斷的提升,而非一昧的採取價格之下降」 「専門の価値は品質の絶えないアップにある,かくすと価格を取るさがりではない」 Our Goal我們的目標 私たちの目標 We suggest by using the nutrimental therapy and natural therapy, your health will achieve the true prevention of anti-aging and anti-oxidation. We have prepared a series of healthy foods with standard formula to keep you healthier and charm. Thus, not only we are a healthy consultant specialist, but also the “BANK OF HEATHY AND CHARMING.” 為你達成真正的預防醫學與抗老化,防範疾病於未然,抗氧化於老化之前。 我們建議以食療與自然療法,搭配精確之保健食品或保養品-做長期之健美儲蓄。 與其稱呼我們專業的健美顧問公司,不如叫我們為健康與美麗的銀行。 因為我們"創新與專業",所以準備了一系列之標準配方,歡迎大家一起來以健美護照開戶,儲蓄您的美麗與健康身體。 あなたのために本当の予防の醫学に達して抵抗すると老化する しかし,抵抗して老化する前酸化するですに疾病用心するか。 私たちは提案のイスラエルの食物治療のナチュラルキュアとで,せいかくな保健食品を組み合わせてあるいは保養して味います - 長期の健美をして 蓄します。 私たちの専門の健美の顧問会社を呼ぶよりは,させるのが私たちは健康と美しい銀行だほうがいいです。
品牌故事 來自合歡山拓春園的Gaga茶 南投.合歡山 海拔兩千一百公尺的翠巒力行部落位於合歡山脈,上天賦予這塊土地得天獨厚的條件,土壤適合,溫差大,加上從秋季到初春常有降雪,這裡生產的茶,有著獨特的高冷氣味和果香,清新甘甜,回韻悠揚。這裡住著一群泰雅族原住民茶農,每天勤懇地耕耘,細心的照料著他們祖先留下來的茶園。 夢想的開端,我們以幫助原住民初衷之心,投入經營茶葉事業,秉持以創新、用心、愛心建立「拓春園」優良品牌;希望藉由品牌行銷以及多年的國際貿易經驗,能夠將台灣的優質好茶推向國際市場。我們希望從「拓春園」出發,透過新的合作模式,讓茶農能得到合理的收入,未來且能擴大供應鏈,幫助更多原住民自力更生、使年輕的原住民能返鄉共同為他們的家園打拼。 全球.The Gaga Tea 「拓春園」的品牌英文名為The Gaga。Gaga是泰雅族語,意涵是人與自然萬物互敬互愛,內涵則包括基於祖靈信仰而形成的共同規範、社會誡律,以及共勞共用的精神等。就像奉行Gaga誡律,拓春園的茶葉,採用自然生態農法栽植,尊重生態平衡的作法,使得生長出來的茶葉保留無污染的茶香原味;我們每批茶葉,經過SGS認證,完全符合衛生署農藥殘留標準,以確保消費者喝的安心、健康。加上經由我們老師傅二十多年經驗的獨特烘焙手法,更讓茶葉的品質達到極致。「拓春園」矢志要做出最優質的茶葉,成為台灣茶的精品,除了把優質台灣茶葉的榮耀推向國際舞台,更要讓茶農得到共勞共用的合理回報。 We, TOPANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. is a tea grower, producer and exporter. Our brand “The Gaga” is not influenced by the fame gained by Lady Gaga lately. “Gaga” is a word from language of Taiwan’s Atayal Tribe. It means human beings care, respect and love the creatures in the Universe. The concept of Gaga includes obligation towards social discipline, the spirit of sharing rewards of co-working and coexistence, which are rooted in the faith of ancestors. Just like pursuing and following the discipline, our growers commit to sustain environment by adopting agricultural procedures like reducing the use of chemicals in tea farms. It is not only environmental friendly approach but also give surely to our consumers how tea is produced on the farm by minimizing detrimental environmental impacts while keeping in mind health and safety of the workers along with a safer and healthier product to consume. We are committed to grow and produce superior quality tea to let “The Gaga Tea” brand becomes the best brand of Taiwan tea around the world, as well as help our growers to receive optimal return of their hard work.
DNA Information Technology Inc. is a trading firm powered by hedge funds, dedicated to arbitrages in global securities exchanges, online direct trading strategies, and the optimization of automatic trading systems. Cooperation with Kaohsiung City government, we gladly sponsor employees’ household registered locally, part of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), for all costs on trading loss and training. 律利資訊科技是少數在台獲得國外私募基金所投資設立的公司,主要業務在發展網路金融的數位內容,測試線上交易的策略,進而優化其運作模式。同時,為配合高雄市政府『地方產業創新研發推動計畫』(地方型SBIR),本公司將優先補助戶籍地在高雄市的新進員工,所有職前教育訓練所需的成本。 We are a foreign corporation, oriented to profitable traders, offering compelling commissions plus bonus. Trader’s interests are most concerned. What’s more, efficient software, spaciously homey office, and flexible work schedule. Discipline, energy and creativity constitute teamwork of us. We always take traders into account, and certainly would encourage sub-trading units. 律利資訊科技是一家『以人為本』的外商公司,除了提供優渥的績效獎金,還有彈性的工作時間,良好的工作環境。強調員工福利、紀律、活力、與創新的組織文化。重視員工想法,並支援優秀同仁在體制內發展新事業。 We aim at global securities trading business and operate business simply with locals. We are one localized foreign corporation, not only participating in worldwide financials, but also training people to be profitable traders. 律利資訊科技以全球化的角度推動公司的業務,並以在地的觀點修正營運策略,是一家真正落實在地化的外資企業,不僅參與世界市場的角逐,更訓練員工擁有更廣闊的國際觀,律利資訊科技竭誠歡迎有志放眼全球的伙伴一同加入。
Patek pneumatic tools ( pneumatic nailer / pneumatic stapler ) always takes customers’ need as our first consideration to design, in order not only to let all the tools be friendly and comfortable to end users but make them durable and easy to maintain. Patek Pneumatics is also a completed fastening system. We concentrate on supplying unique tools, making more perfect development and offering the whole range of high quality fasteners.
創立於民國四十二年,至今為全國最大及歷史最優久之海事檢定公司。總公司位於台北市,設分公司於高雄、台中、基隆及上海。公司工作團隊成員含船長、造船工程師、輪機長、航運管理專才及法務人員。經常接受國內外產物或責任險保險組織、船東、貨主及進出商之委託,就各類意外事件、貨損或航業營運上之爭議進行調查、勘定及提供專業報告及意見,供委託人參考。並協助委託人解決各類船運上之問題。 Established in 1953, we have committed to providing with surveying techniques for a variety of maritime industries. Our team of a vast maritime expertise, including Master Mariners, Engineers, Marine Architects and Marine Cargo Specials, is well recognized by the industries as the best choice to all kinds of requirements. From large marine casualty to cargo problem in general, it has never been a doubt that our service is indispensable. Inevitably, in half of a century, we have been enjoying the reputation of the most influential, not only around the island, but also the world-wide.
Bright Year Co., Ltd. is not only a professional fastener exporter, but also a manufacturer in Taiwan. We are one of the leading manufacturers in SEMS screws, special bolt and small screws since 1994. With more than 10 years experience in fasteners field, we are famous in competitive prices, good quality and on time delivery. We set up an export department to serve overseas customers in 2002. Our main customers are from USA, but also have customers in Europe and Asia. To meet customers various requirements, we offer not only screws, but also carry other fasteners, such as anchors, nuts and washers in different materials. We are also certificated by ISO in in 2002. We have a professional QC team to assure good quality for customers. We keep doing R&D for our customers in special design prints.
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